"The Ebb and Flow"

Kazaheid Zaknafein > dont hurt yourself
Dani Dusette > Unlike my sister, I never have sir.
Jane Shapperd > what happened ?
Dani Dusette > It's a sad tale of capsuleer psychosis, jealousy, war, suicide and true love, Ms Jane.
I stared into the reflection of my own eyes, as if to search for answers within the haze of their icey blue depths. Life isn't always easy for a psychopath, especially when that psychopath is me.
I found myself sitting on the edge of a cryo-chamber staring into the wall-mounted mirror before me. The cold decking under my little feet seemed pertinent as I took some deep breaths, preparing myself for a short sleep. I was in a room in Sketchy Pos's lower levels, a small medical facility, preparing my mind as I waited for our family's physician, Dr Soikutsu, to prepare the cryo-chamber I sat on. A few moments later the doctor gave me a nod and I knew the time had come, twisting my little form around I slid backwards into the warm, thick green fluid that filled the cryo-vat, allowing it to wash over my almost-nude form, covering every inch of my face.
Sometimes you just need to hit the "off" switch on your brain for a little while
I closed my eyes and began to feel my limbs slowly turn numb, my consciousness gradually fading. As I slipped away gently into my cryosleep my mind began to travel back over the events of the past month, including the events which had lead to this moment. It'd been a busy time, an amazing time - possibly the most incredible period in my career as a capsuleer. So much had transpired that my little Achuran mind almost didn't know where to begin with it all ...
When it came to my professional life, as wormhole combat pilot for Isogen 5, the first thing to come to mind was the huge honor I was feeling from partaking recently alongside my sister Dani in what would become known as "The Battle of Honey Pot". A corporation known as B0rthole, a recently-joined member of Spacetime Manifold alliance, were living the good life. Long time residents of their wormhole they often enjoyed bearing it up, farming shamelessly with large fleets of capital ships, living under the false veil of security that having all your entries set to critical mass often provides, allowing you to feed greedily like pigs at an overflowing trough, grunting and drooling.
Having critical mass connections is a smart idea and a commonly used tactic for wormhole groups who set about farming their system with expensive fleets. It provides a medium of security, preventing large fleets of anything but frigates from jumping you while you suck your system dry, laughing your way to the bank while toasting over the tears of sleeper sleeper victims. 
It's smart farming...
But it still won't protect you from us.
B0rthole's activities had come to the recent attention of an Isogen 5 scout pilot who decided to remain in system for a time and study the routines of these people. Methodical and enmasse, their farming sessions seemed to be a very regularly occurrence. It occurred to us that if a large fleet of T3 ships could somehow get inside during one of them it could prove rather gruesome indeed. 
And so it was, a coalition of sorts was formed with well-known wormhole corporation Lazerhawks, who joined us in a operation over some days to seed the B0rthole system with a considerable fleet consisting of a large number of Bhaalgorns with heavy T3 support. The large fleet turned off their ship's systems once inside the B0rthole home, hiding in a safe-spot and preparing to power-up when the word was eventually given, executing what is commonly referred to as a "log off trap".
Mere days after seeding the word was given for our fleet to "login" and the results... spectacular...
The Battle of Honey Pot would net us 31 billion ISK in capital ship & misc vessels destroyed
My sister Danika "Dani" Dusette, second eldest in our family, had accompanied me on the operation. For the first time ever I would pilot a HAM Legion in a major combat operation, with Dani herself also piloting a Legion of the neuting variety. The operation was the brainchild of one of our leaders, good friend Foedus Latro had overseen much of the scouting and preparation and carried out most of the FC'ing during the actual battle itself. With Foedus at the helm it was no surprise that the battle turned into a bloodbath of epic proportions, the enemy fleet could put up limited resistance and was massacred mercilessly with no losses to our fleet beside our lone Sabre.

Tactical view of The Battle of Honey Pot - As filmed by a Lazerhawks pilot



The operation was a blinding success, beyond expectations. A true credit to Foedus and any others who had a hand in planning, scouting and leading the expedition. For our efforts that day, Isogen 5 pilots who fought were awarded a decoration. It was my first ever medal earned in the field of battle and to say I was feeling the utmost pride would be an understatement as Lotor pinned the shiny ornament on my form-fitting, little while catsuit. For some reason Dani missed out on a medal, a point of contention ever since, despite doing at least as much work as myself. It's one thing to shoot missiles at a primary, another all together to split neuts between targets while simultaneously managing drones. Regardless, my sister made me proud that day and with Legions fast becoming doctrine it would finally see her attending these major ops by my side.

Erica's medal - Awarded for her efforts in The Battle of Honey Pot
I've always been an angry person. So long as you can keep your emotions under control being psychotic can actually be an advantage as a capsuleer. In my case as family Matron, overseeing all my sibling's lives while also managing our space and planetside operations consisting of thousands of baseliner workers. With my ever-present duties as an Isogen 5 combat pilot on top, being able to focus high-emotion and harness deep aggression can be significant assets when your job role is to haplessly murder pretty much everyone you come across. Controlling one's emotional and psychological illnesses is key and for the most part something I have no issue doing. Capsuleer psychosis is relatively common, though it seems I often underestimate my own affliction...
 It's external factors, social factors, that can often trigger extreme bouts of psychosis, an example being my own reaction recently after feeling overwhelmed by a number of such external factors, one of which being a pair of "anonymous" pilots who enjoyed sending me cryptic, negative comm mails aimed at inspiring paranoia and anger. It was working...
Paranoia. Anger. Both traits I had in Mammoth-loads, just lurking under the surface, always at the edge of control as I went about my murderous lifestyle. Psychological warfare is a common tactic used by one's opponents, not only socially ... but also in space too. I should know as it's the very philosophy behind my regular offerings to Bob in the form of ... Suddenly Barghest™.
Suddenly Barghest™ alongside Dani's Tengu 'Adulterous' 
Over the course of the past month Suddenly Barghest™ had seen itself involved in more action, more sacrifices to Bob, more of it's holy work reminding people in all regions of space that nobody is safe, that nobody can run from it's message. I had a new obstacle now though, so it seemed - every time I'd try and do a Suddenly Barghest™ I'd find Jack Miton trying to sabotage it...
Jack Miton > GET REKT BITCH!!!
Jack Miton > POINT BARGHEST!!!
Erica Dusette > Don't make me volley you!!
Despite Jack's repeated efforts to stop me, it seemed there was never a shortage of relic hunters, site runners in static and people willing to fall to Drake baits, throwing themselves on the altar that is Suddenly Barghest™. It is a glorious, spectacular and karma-generating way to die. Word had been spreading across all regions of space and it wasn't long before people were literally lining up in hopes of dying to Suddenly Barghest™...
You couldn't blame people, afterall being able to say the word "Barghest", let alone telling all your friends you died to 3b worth of faction battleship is a pretty good way to go on the scale of dying. It's a gift really, when you see that red box and watch those notifications come from volleys of scourge rage, blown like so many kisses from Suddenly Barghest™'s rapid heavy missile launchers. 
Like me it's expensive, devine and a little sexy, in a space-way of course.
It was with this in mind when I woke one day and logged into corporate comms I found myself over the moon with divine zealousness. As far as I know the The Vendunari, a member corporation of End of Life alliance, are primarily a lowsec group, heavily involved in combat operations of their own and generally an all-around good group of people. They do maintain a slight wormhole presence however, in the form of one or two systems used for casual operations or harvesting. 
Scipio Artelius - Vendunari combat pilot, FC and space-playboy
One of their more senior combat pilots, Scipio Artelius, is a person I call a friend and someone I hang out with quite a lot on the Galnet forums. Somewhat of a playboy, intelligent with a cheeky nature and quick wit, we'd often enjoy some friendly teasing, banter and innuendos. With this is mind you can understand my excitement on comms when Grand Space-Maester Foedus informs me that The Vendunari's wormhole is in fact our static that day. Not only was Vendo's home our static, but apparently there was a Vendo pilot online. This unfortunate individual was trying to ferry goods of some kind from the hole in a hauler and it wasn't long before Foedus had devised the most artistic of Suddenly Barghest™s ever performed to date. Just perfect for teasing Scip with.
As it would happen Foedus had managed to trick the pilot, a gentleman going by the name of Crispy Burns, into collecting the contents of a discarded container - 5 units of Isogen. An amount of this commodity often carried by Isogen 5 pilots in their cargo hold. Ideal for those times when you wish to leave a calling calling card from some of Anoikis most fashionable. After safely collecting his Isogen 5, Crispy then made his way at haste back to his Tower, completely unaware that sitting several hundred kilometers from it, just out of range of it's weapons, was all of us sitting around a bubble trap. I was in my Tengu though, so our Team was forced to hold poor Crispy at gunpoint while I quickly rushed home to don my holy robes.
Candi LeMew > Won't be a minute.
Vendo pilot and Martyr to Bob - Crispy Burns with his cargo of Isogen 5
Erica Dusette > Your death will please Bob, be proud.
Erica Dusette > Tell Scip I'm sorry.
Foedus Latro > o7
After arrival on grid the execution was taken care of in short order, along with traditional last rites of a pod headshot from Suddenly Barghest™. Prayers were said in Crispy's name before returning the one jump back to Atlas.
What a blessed and honorable way to die. The raw extravagance of the whole event. The positive karma Crispy was sure to earn from that could almost be immeasurable. You see, when used in such a way as on the corpmate of a friend, death by Suddenly Barghest™ can be a positive and warm experience, one that sends a divine message. But Suddenly Barghest™ is also ideal for those times when you want to send another kind of message altogether, one that says "Fuck you" and "I'm going to kill you as brutally as possible".


Wormhole pvp corporation Unknown Crusade are a group of relative unknowns. If you have the time to inspect their killboard you might be forced to muffle a giggle, while not incredibly bad they're nowhere near spectacular either. But regardless of killboards you're still going to shit your catsuit when you jump into one of their bubble camps on a hole, as my younger sister Shelby did one morning while taking her new Astero out for a fly down chain. 


Shelby Dusette > 2a legion, phobos, loki camping hole 

Shelby Dusette > Didnt get corp, had to bail lol


Shelby retreated to the relative safety of our static and kept her eyes on the 2a hole, the other side of which lurked the Unknown Crusade pilots. While only spotting the three ships with bubble up on the hole, she had seen a lot more on her Dscan and knew something nasty was lurking in there. Our pilots were somewhat busy though, with Foedus, evil Blackjack, Jack Miton and some others currently out of our hole and flying either down chain or somewhere in nullsec.  They were meeting little success though, and so everyone decided to return home to see if they could get a fight out of these Unknown Crusade people. Before everyone could get home, however, Camp Crusade had moved itself from the 2a hole onto ... our home hole.


Their fleet consisted of Two legions, a Loki, Confessor, Gila, two Guardians, Crow and a Phobos with it's bubble up. My friends couldn't get back in home. All flying non-cloaky ships such as Ishtars, there would be no way past the bubble camp to reship to something more suitable. Eager to give them a good fight though, we made an honorable and genuine offer in the time honored traditions and warm fighting spirit of Anoikin brother/sisterhood.



Foedus Latro > let us reship?
Foedus Latro > and we can fight?
Foedus Latro > put your bubble down
Foedus Latro > and we will come back
Timsen1980 > Man up guys, buble is staying, come and get it.
Not very wormholey. I got the feeling these guys had been out camping low class wormhole chains all day and getting nothing. Now obviously frustrated and blue-balled, these external factors seemed to be pushing these capsuleers over the edge, psychosis of their own causing them to begin to make a very big mistake indeed.
Foedus Latro > i don't know what you're trying to prove here
Foedus Latro > but no numbers of alts we can log on can break your t3s and guards atm
Timsen1980 > Then stay where the fuck you are. I hate fucking excuses
Timsen1980 > You fucking either log off, or man up, and take the fight
Jack Miton > are you guys fucking retarded?
Jack Miton > why would we log off?
You see, when Jack Miton says something like that it's not anger and it's not tears. 
It's not even an actual question... 
It's a warning.

Over comms we discussed our next move. As it turned out Foedus had a ping off the static hole into our home, able to place him over 100k from the wormhole safely without being pulled into the bubble currently covering it. "I have an idea." Said Foedus over comms to everyone's interest. "Evil, are you ready for some really fancy flying?" . Foedus explained his plan, to warp in their Ishtars to the ping off static, drop sentry drones, blap the Confessor from long range and bail again. Ambitious and innovative, true Isogen 5 style. As she sat off the camp at range, cloaked in her Astero, Shelby watched as Foedus and evil blackjack warped in and carried out their plan with hilarious success, the enemy's confessor exploding almost instantly in a demoralizing ball of flame. 


Within mere seconds Foedus had already locked the Confessor pilot's pod, caught in it's own bubble camp it too popped, sending green goo splashing all over the hulls of his now stunned fleetmates.


Jack Miton > Sergeant L's Capsule    Capsule    -
Jack Miton > #GetRekt?
Shelby Dusette > lmfao
Timsen1980 > this is going to be great
Foedus Latro > story time?
It seemed Timsen was still trying to be the tough guy and obviously had no idea who we were or why camping our home hole could possibly be such a terrible idea.  All this fooling around though had given us tme to come up with a plan. Now they were mad, it was likely the Unknown Crusade guys would be sticking around for a bit. Foedus and Blackjack went back out to highsec, flew to the closest trade hub and purchased interceptors, which they then used to return and make their way safely through the hole camp and back into Atlas. They joined myself, my assistant Candi and several other pilots as we reshipped. We pinged over comms for more pilots with little response. The enemy still outnumbered us just barely, but despite this we jumped into static ready to give these guys a lesson in who Isogen 5 are and what it is we usually do.
As the battle was joined an enemy Falcon also decloaked, along with the return of the Confessor pilot, now piloting a Tempest. Neither ship made any difference to the outcome; a slaughterhouse.
Erica Dusette > gf
Candi LeMew > gf
Foedus Latro > gf
Andrew Charante > gf
Shelby Dusette > #SHREKT
Pain Suppression > Good show guys ^^
It seemed the lesson wasn't over just yet though - during the battle one of the enemy's Guardians had taken heavy damage and jumped into Atlas to escape. Her colleagues now all murdered and the escape route blocked by Candi in a Phobos, it seemed the lonely Guardian pilot was in a deep pickle indeed. Being pirates of a sort, we're never beyond a honorable ransom, however and so the Guardian pilot was offered a ransom to leave safely, enough ISK to help cover the cost of the one ship we lost in the battle. There was no reply ... until the Guardian suddenly warped into Candi's bubble on static in a desperate attempt to escape. 
I guess that was our answer then, so the Guardian was promptly  butchered with our fleet holding it's pilot's capsule until the deep, thudding sound of Suddenly Barghest™ could be heard landing on gird - delivering the day's final word with a volley to the pod's forehead.
The final remaining Unknown Crusade pilot is given the pod express home
Shelby's Astero, with Foedus and Aeon's Bhaalgorns, fly victory rings around 
Suddenly Barghest™ after the battle with Unknown Crusade 
Candi LeMew > They got schooled yo
Glorious victories seem to abound sometimes, especially when you're at the helm of something as classy as a Barghest. Other examples in January of wins that ended with hearty chuckles included what would become known as Grand Theft POS 'Moby Dick Style'. A corporation one of our scouts spotted moving out of a wormhole was busy loading all their worldly possessions into an orca while offlining their tower. Spotting several piloted battleships among the departing pilots we readied a small gang to engage. Watching the offline timer on their tower closely we warped in at the very last minute, our fleet including an iteron which promptly scooped the offline tower as the rest of us prepared to fight all the things.
Nothing. The battleships were gone and the grid empty apart from us. Then ... Suddenly Orca.
Decloaking less than 2k from my sister Dani in her Tengu, she nearly spat out her coffee as she scramble to land a harpoon on the vessel, tackling it and proceeding to kill it with the aid of her colleagues to discover it contained around 2b of loot. 
Suddenly Orca - Dani and friends help a corp move out, express style
I'd often heard stories over my time as a capsuleer of pilots who've accepted random fleet invitations only to be warped by an unseen enemy unto their doom. I'd never seen it in the flesh though, until one morning my friends alerted me to a Confessor seen sitting idle at a tower in our static system next door. Someone wanted to try the fleet invite and warp trick, so we assembled on static. An invite was sent and what do you know? The pilot accepted and immediately found themselves in warp to static. Tackled, the confessor had nowhere to run but into our home, it jumped through into Atlas and warped to the sun, I pursued warping to zero in hope and landing right on top of the confused Confessor. Tackling it at almost zero I quickly found myself scrammed and unable to pull transversal dying to the T3 destroyer's impressive DPS. I'd held it long enough though for my colleagues to arrive, finishing it off along with it's capsule in what was a glorious and hilarious little event, one for which Bob had demanded the sacrifice of two interceptors.  #worth
Accepts a random fleet invite, gets warped to static - results predictable
But it wasn't all fanfare and frozen enemy corpses. In a series of losses during the month I'd managed to firstly lose Dishonor Falcon during a large scale battle with capital ships. Though my beloved Dishonor boat had been lost it still managed to get on all the cap kills, along with my assistant Candi who was piloting her Proteus, Isogen 5 joined by forces from Sky Fighters during the battle against a Dominion Enterprise farming capital fleet.
The battle against Dominion Enterprise would net us 16b in capital & misc vessels destroyed
I'd follow up the loss of Dishonor Falcon a couple weeks later when I  lost my first ever Tengu in combat against other capsuleers, dying to a Goonswarm fleet in nullsec. It's a hell of a dirty way for a wormholer to die, though I'm glad I was in Amarr afterward, meaning Foedus was unable to see my blush as I listened to him yell at people over comms to get away from my corpse.
This was followed soon after by another Tengu loss, suffering what some pilots refer to as a "D/C" in the middle of a battle, my ship shutting down and losing all power, ending with both it and my clone destroyed. There may even had been a third Tengu loss had it not been for my lovely assistant Candi, my little Hero Banana saving me from half-dozen angry Germans by luring them through a hole and sacrificing herself so I may escape on the other side. I ended up becoming trapped within the enemy hole for hours, until my sporty little yellow Intaki side-kick returned a second time braving the enemy hole camp in a cloaky, nullified Proteus to guide me to safety.
Selfless Hero Banana - Candi welps herself to save her beloved Boss
My beautiful Candi. While not related, she was still as family to me, if not more. My loyal little assistant had been beside me for years, not just in space at my wing, but in my home, brewing my coffee, making my dinner, waxing my legs and bikini line and often braiding my hair. There was never anything intimate, however. We always kept it professional and friendly at best, almost like the relationship between a willing and adoring slave and her mistress, Candi and I went together like red and blonde. 
Unlike me though, Candi didn't have much of a personal life. Myself I'd been super busy out of hours, still spending time with my wonderful new friend Badel Jramodarr. The large, intimidating Brutor with a gentle nature, warm heart and beautiful spirit who'd swept me completely off my feet around a month earlier. Badel and I were growing close, he was unlike anyone I'd ever met before, and even though Candi also counted him as a friend she really had nothing to occupy her spare time. That was until Andrew Jester, her former nemesis with whom she always shared a sometimes violent love/hate relationship, appeared in Isogen 5's public channel one day.
It seemed Jester was chasing someone who was using the Twitch service, a Galnet site where some capsuleers broadcast their in-space movements live, either for entertainment, self-promotion, teaching others or even making a profit. 
Andrew Jester > should I gank uggo POS: https://www.twitch.tv/anticod3
Andrew Jester > or I eat macca's daily: https://www.twitch.tv/grabb
Andrew Jester > first?
The Federal Bandit > the corax guy.
Andrew Jester > danque omw to that one now
Andrew Jester > 11j
Andrew Jester > to buy a thrasher
The Federal Bandit > his name is AntiCod3 ?
Andrew Jester > irony
Andrew Jester > oh wait there's some retard miner too
Mike Hazard > m8 if you go twitch hunting, i'm in
Andrew Jester > The Federal Bandit lemme use iso5 TS for this pls :3
The Federal Bandit > you know our address
Erica Dusette > YES
Erica Dusette > xD
Jester joined our comms and Candi, myself and others listen in and commentated with hilarity as Jester pursued this poor pilot relentlessly, eventually murdering him live on his own stream with a suicide gank in highsec space. As this all took place myself and others also joined the stream's own chat with aliases where we endeavored to lead the host astray with bad advice and misdirection. The results were pure hilarity, and while I felt somewhat guilty afterward both Candi and I ended up with sore sides from our giggles. Candi especially, who made it known that next time Jester went on on such a mission she would love to accompany him. 
Moment of Climax - Anticod3's Corax dying to Jester live on holo-stream
Jester gives his trademark "GF" in local after the Corax battle
And so it was, several days later, when Jester re-appeared in Iso5 pub with the announcement he was going after AntiCod3 again, Candi almost tripped over her new blonde braids getting into her Proteus and making her way to Dodixie at warp speed. The allure of laughter along with exposure live on holofeed to dozens of capsuleers along with countless billions of baseliners was irresistible to my little Superstar Banana.
Andrew Jester > gitgud
Andrew Jester > HE'S BACK
Dani Dusette > Oh god
Foedus Latro > LOL
pubway Shi > Andrew Jester o/
Andrew Jester > ARE
Andrew Jester > YOU
Andrew Jester > READY
Candi LeMew > My body is ready.
Andrew Jester > his isn't
Eagerly, our Star Banana sought out permission from our glorious leader to attend the highsec op.
Candi LeMew > I wanna go down there just to be on TV.
Candi LeMew > I want to hear him say my name when I bump him around in my Proty.
And so it was, joined by The Banana, Jester and his merry band of debaucherists set out to find AntiCod3 while the rest of us tuned into the stream ourselves, once more leading our intrepid host astray with the best advice this side of Dodixie. Meanwhile Jester was already there, looking for AntiCod3's Corax running missions. It seemed we weren't the only evil pilots around though, some others had beaten us to it and as we watched his live stream he confronted a suspect Stratios in his mission site, looting his wrecks in an attempt to bait him into a fight. AntiCod3, having fallen foul to numerous such pirates over recent days had seemingly grown frustrated and angry. We watched in disbelief as he turned his little Corax around in a show of defiance and engaged the suspect Stratios, dying in a ball of fire as a result along with his pod.
No put off by this, an even more determined AntiCod3 proceeded to jump into a new Caracal and head off to once more do battle with the evil Stratios, a mission of revenge. However on the way he didn't expect to run into his arch nemesis on gate .... Andrew Jester.
We chuckled over comms as AntiCod3 began to give his rundown on this lowlife Jester, his stream-gank some days earlier and exactly what he thought of this kind of player. Seemingly urging himself on with rage AntiCod3 suddenly remembered the killright he'd earned on Jester as a result of that gank and set about asking in his stream chat how to go about activating and using it. It seemed someone  had told him that all he needed to do was set his safety red and engage Jester, which he promptly did, dying to CONCORD in a gruesome and unexpected explosion as Jester boated over in his Thrasher to finish off AntiCod3's suspect pod. We watched on his holofeed as he threw down his headset in anger and stormed from view, out of the camera drone's range.
Candi LeMew > Oh dear
Candi LeMew > This is great
Candi LeMew > Oh god gimme the killright :D
Andrew Jester > I'll set it to free once you get here
Returning soon after, AntiCod3 sat down to fit a new Caracal, once again determined to seek out and exact revenge on Jester, urged on by us in his stream chat. By now he was beginning to get really angry that Jester existed and the hateful threats began to flow...
Andrew Jester > "[05:10:35] Kitila Spectre > I will find you, and i will kill you, you wont know when, you wont know where, but you will fucking die"
Foedus Latro > oh my
Candi LeMew > I want to get his pod foedus, make him sing on stream
Andrew Jester > ^
Even AntiCod3 realized though that by now he would need help to accomplish the task of murdering Jester. Conveniently Suddenly Convo from an interested pilot in system, offering to help AntiCod3 murder his harasser. They spent a while chatting as we watched on via the stream, AntiCod3 eventually agreeing and undocking to join his new friend in their joint-mission of vengeance. "Why is he in a mining ship? How can he help me in a mining ship?"  Asked AntiCod3 as he noticed his new friend was piloting a Skiff. 
"Oh well."  He stated as the Skiff pilot initiated a fleet warp...
"Wait, why is the Skiff guy warp disrupting me?"
Unfortunately for AntiCod3, he'd failed to realize the Skiff pilot was in fact ... one of us. That's right, fleet-warping his new Caracal to a safe where Candi, Jester and the others all lay in wait, Jester activating his killright against AntiCod3 as he landed on grid, going suspect immediately. Within seconds he found his Caracal destroyed, his naked pod floating in the Dodixie air while being ransomed live on his own stream to sing for the home audience.
Jester is avenged - The AntiCod3-sponsored criminal Caracal gets rekt by The Banana
Op Success - AntiCod3's capsule is ransomed live on stream by The Banana and friends
Candi LeMew > Pod tackled
Candi LeMew > Hello bb
Foedus Latro > oh my
Andrew Jester > "Please pod me"
Andrew Jester > THIS IS WAY BETTER
Stubbornly, AntiCod3 refused to sing, despite our best efforts both in private holo-convo and stream chat to convince him to sing for his clone's freedom. Instead he opted to die somewhat-honorably for the audience, after begging for us to pod him failed he initiating self destruct on his capsule with Candi and friends killing it in the final moments of it's countdown. A glorious success, we left our host to tend his wounds and continue his streaming un-hassled while our Specialist Team returned to their respective homes, autograph hunters in tow. 
Afterward, when things had settled, it seemed the whole affair of murder live on TV had gotten my little Banana Candi somewhat hot and heavy under her little yellow catsuit...
Candi LeMew > /emote 's goggles fog up
Andrew Jester > goggles are for plebs
Foedus Latro > Guristas coats are for plebs
Andrew Jester > nomad you can't drop dosh on looking fly
Candi LeMew > nomad lol
Andrew Jester > mid-grade
Candi LeMew > /emote punches Jester in the face
Andrew Jester > rude
Beta Page > notnice!
Op Success. Almost felt like old times with Candi hanging out with Jester again. Candi was becoming a thing. With her appreciation thread on the Galnet forums stretching 8 pages, with almost 2000 views and close to 1300 likes and now her fifteen minutes of TV fame pirating it up live on holostream. It seemed Candi was beginning to become a wanted commodity in her own right and about time too. Perhaps her social life would begin to look up soon, much as mine had been recently with Badel coming into my life.
Erica and her boyfriend - Badel Jramodarr, space teddy and "Hero of her heart".
Since meeting several weeks earlier I'd enjoyed numerous dates with my new friend. One of the most enjoyable and exotic occasions was when I found a large Class 13 shattered wormhole system in chain. I decided it would be a very romantic setting indeed for a night of ... 
Casual chat and coffee drinking! 
Erica Dusette > /emote squints at her viewer
Erica Dusette > Hmmm
Erica Dusette > Might have something interested to show you too, for fun.
Badel Jramodarr > Oh?... *His curiosity peaked*
Erica Dusette > /emote nods > Mhm. I need to check it first, but cannot because my ship is too big.
Erica Dusette > I'll head home and re-ship to something smaller.
Badel Jramodarr > /emote chuckles > Something...more comfortable
Erica Dusette > /emote winks
Erica Dusette > Yesss.
Erica Dusette > This catsuit is rather uncomfortable today.
Erica Dusette > I think there may be a shattered system in chain, a class thirteen.
Erica Dusette > Have you ever see shattered worlds before?
Badel Jramodarr > I can't say that I have in all honesty
Erica and Badel spent an enjoyable evening in a C13, cloaked in the debri of this shattered world
With that it was settled and we spent an enjoyable evening together, unsuccessfully hunting a scanner we spotted together, before reinforcing a pair of Mobile Depots. We cloaked up in the debris of one of the system's shattered planets where I boarded Badel's ship for a relaxing evening of company. Over the coming week's I'd get to know this man very well and we rapidly became close. Gentle in nature, warm and occasionally shy in the sweetest of ways I found him irresistible. I'd know affection before, sure and passion, but I'd never encountered anything as genuine as what I felt from Badel. So contrasting to each other in everyway, physically, spiritually, personality. Our careers and lifestyles just as varied. And you know what? It was fucking wonderful.
After the history of people I'd dated in the past, and the miserable results, I'd come to the conclusion that if I was to ever trust again, open my heart to even further damage, it would need to be someone different than the rest. Every space-man I'd ever met was the same, false in their charm with a hidden agenda and zero interested in monogamy. Out for a pound of flesh. Another notch in the belt. And as a successful combat pilot and former State supermodel I'd often find myself on such people's belt notch wanted list.
In my mind I began to make a little list. Using the pain from my past combined with my dreams for the future, I jotted down the traits in my ideal man on my datapad one quiet evening. It seemed I'd somehow pleased Bob because as I got to know Badel I found my self inexplicably blessed. He would go on to tick every box in that list I made ... and beyond. Uninhibited, open and ... fun. Humble, caring and passionate. Adventurous.
Could this be ... my "one"?
Another good thing about Badel was we would hang out together almost daily in the Galnet forums. I'd underestimated though the effect of me showing open and excited public affection for someone. It drew attention, and not only the positive kind. Late one evening I found myself chatting with a dear friend, Ria, excitedly telling the tale of my relationship with Badel, almost crying from joy as I told how my life had changed since his arrival. Like myself only recently, Ria too was yearning for such warm and genuine companionship and listened to my experience with interest.
The next morning would go on to change everything. Events planetside were already rough at the time and I was already moody even before Waking and sliding from my bunk. I showered and slipped into my form fitting little white bodysuit, fastened my heavy high-heeled boots and brushed the long fringe from my face as I made my way to my ship, joining corporate comms. There was trouble in nullsec ... great, not one of my favorite places. On the Galnet forum my friend Ria was having a chuckle and making some odd comments regarding my inability to attend something. I didn't take much notice and back in space I rushed to assist my colleagues in null, but unable to make it in time several had died. My morning was going badly already when I suddenly noticed several comm convos in my tabs that I'd failed to notice due to the commotion. My jaw dropped and my narrow, steely blue eyes grew almost wide as saucers as I sat stunned...
Here was my love, partially disrobed and sitting in a Jacuzzi owned by Ms Ria, a drink in one hand as the video comm replay showed him explaining he'd gone to visit a friend of mine to get to know her a little. For a moment I couldn't breath ... had my lovely man, my "one" betrayed me so soon? And why was Ria even doing this? 
My answer would come in the form of both mixed relief along with deep concern as the final comm message waiting for me showed Badel being held at gunpoint by Ria... In shock, surprise, disbelief and grief I snapped in the moment - no time to figure this out step by step or engage in whatever was going on here. My colleagues were dying in nullsec that very moment. Closing the convo comms in rage I attended the field of battle, afterward initiating my comm again, but this time to a different kind of contact altogether.
Erica Dusette > The lovely Tora, hows things?
Tora Bushido > hehe good thanks. How you been ?
Tora Bushido > Been like what... 5-6 months ?
Personally I don't have the time or motivation for revenge, let alone revenge in highsec of all places, or some distant wormhole against time-consuming odds. I've got better things to do with my time, like my job, my family and ... my one. Times like these I like to hire Marmite instead when I'm feeling spiteful or vengeful, love them or hate them, respect them or not, I've been on both ends of Marmite wardecs and know first hand how disruptive it can be to an individual or corporations Empire logistics. I've always found Tora to be the utmost of gentleman, professional and respectful - a pleasure to do business with and an example in attitude to all those who call Empire home. 
Erica Dusette > Been great! Wormholes treating me generally well. Yeah, I took a break for about 3months, came back in November.
Tora Bushido > Nice, wh's are fun !
Tora Bushido > my roots are in wh space
Tora Bushido > how can we help you
It took me as no surprise to learn of Tora's wormhole heritage, he was obviously a man of great taste and class. I explained my situation and grievance along with the target corporations, negotiated an amicable fee and paid for two weeks of mayhem.
Tora Bushido > 24 hours till we start killing :)
At thirteen kills there was an average loss of one per day. Certainly not a bloodbath by any standard, nor terribly ISK-efficient from my standpoint, though there was blood on people's hands and the war left me yet extremely satisfied knowing that the death of over  dozen targets would have put some heat or spotlight on Ria, one of Low-Class member corps latest recruits. My thirst for anger-release quenched I sat down with my love to discuss what had happened. It didnt take long for him to reassure me of his loyalty and good intent. My love had acted a little naively but with warm intentions. Had I overreacted? Yes, of course. 
Because that's what I do.
It had been enough to scratch the surface of my thinly veiled psychosis, however. Paranoia, jealousy, worry and doubt began to creep into the corners of my emotionally unstable, psychotic mind. Not long after came the deaths, two clone losses in almost as many weeks. Shaking me to the core and taking over a week to adapt too. During this time I Was approached by a pilot  I once dated briefly over a year ago, finding myself having to deflect both his and another's forward advances. Then began the messages ... cryptic and insinuating messages from what are commonly referred to as "alts", these a thing so malicious that they are banned within Isogen 5. With social pressure mounting along with events in my planetside life also gaining negativity I woke in the middle of the night one evening while staying in Empire.
Covered in a cold sweat my heart raced, chest rising and falling in a pant as I found my mind flooding with unparalleled rage, anxiety and grief, panic almost. The feeling of a deep psychotic episode coming almost from nowhere, a culmination of so many external factors, I staggered around the apartment kicking things over while clutching at my tear-drenched face as if in search of some inner relief. My hand found my shoulder bag, resting beside a couch where I'd left it two nights earlier. My dainty little fingers shaking as I reached within, retrieving a small blaster pistol I'd carried with me on this visit to Empire. This was all too much, my neuro-receptors tweaking at overload the pain almost a physical burn, I placed my weapon to my head and brought about the only relief I could foresee...
Overwhelmed by psychosis, Erica faces emotional breakdown with deadly consequence
I woke soon after in a fresh clone in Amarr's main trade station, the lifeless body of my previous clone remaining surrounded in a pool of blood back in the place of it's end. The relief was only fleeting, however. I didn't even have a moment to contemplate the more than 500m in ISK worth of implants that had perished with my mortal form. It seemed even the transfer to a fresh clone had not spared my consciousness it took with it in death. Staggering to my interceptor I hurriedly made my way toward home and the closest entry to the chain leading to Atlas. Still crippled with madness, along the way I blacked out at one point, waking to find myself in my capsule, my ship destroyed by faction police. I almost collapsed into Sketchy Pos's foyer after docking my capsule in Atlas, my sisters rushing to aid me. Restrained and sedated I was led to the medical facility on the tower's lower levels, where soon I would find myself facing a term of cryo-sleep at my own behest. It was clear that I couldn't handle what was happening to me, that while my psychosis was left unchecked I would be a danger to everyone, myself, my family and friends and most importantly ... Badel.

Life, like Suddenly Barghest™, ebbs and flows - going both ways in all wondrous, painful facets


Maybe I was simply not designed for love. A matriarchal killing machine, riding the very limit of sanity on a daily basis, going by surrounded in random acts of bloodshed without batting an eye. Whatever the reason, until a permanent solution to the issues I was facing could be found I ordered my family to leave me in cryo-stasis. My sister Dani taking over temporary Matronship and charge of my family and it's associated pilots. 
As I sat on the edge of the cryo-chamber, writing this diary entry my loyal sister had already begun searching for a solution for my affliction. 
Dani Dusette > What exactly are you a Doctor .. of, Dr Borkstar?
Frenjo Borkstar > Well...
Frenjo Borkstar > I'm a Doctor of...
Frenjo Borkstar > Uh...
Frenjo Borkstar > I'm not really.
Frenjo Borkstar > I'm just a researcher.
Dani Dusette > I see.
Dani Dusette > Do you know much of capsuleer psychosis, Dr Borkstar?
Frenjo Borkstar > Mhm.
Frenjo Borkstar > I just had a psychotic episode before I connected.
Dani Dusette > /emote blinks
Frenjo Borkstar > Took four of my crew to hold me down and sedate me.
Dani Dusette > Oh, I see. I meant more along the lines of it's treatment.
Frenjo Borkstar > I woke up, and connected here.
Frenjo Borkstar > Antipsychotics...
Frenjo Borkstar > I stopped taking them.
Frenjo Borkstar > They suppress... My darker sides.
Dani Dusette > What about some kind of implant?
Dani Dusette > A more .. permanent solution. Is it viable?
Frenjo Borkstar > Hmm...
Frenjo Borkstar > Probably...
Frenjo Borkstar > Something to regulate the neuroreceptor neurotransmitter levels.
Dani Dusette > Would you know anything about creating such a device?
Frenjo Borkstar > Possibly.
Frenjo Borkstar > I did extensive work with Sansha implants.
Frenjo Borkstar > They could possibly be modified...
Dani Dusette > Perhaps you may be able to assist me then, with a sensitive matter.
So as my sisters toiled for a solution to my broken mind, my bruised heart and sad, vengeful soul I closed my eyes and allowed the neural effects of my cryo-bath to have their way with my little body, gradually drifting away into my sleep with an unknown date of awakening, the future uncertain however I knew one thing for sure...
I'd discovered true love and I would do anything in my power to ensure I woke cured...
To ensure I never to let go of the Hero of my Heart. 
That's if it wasn't already too late ... 

Mewmewcorp and all characters and concepts © TwistedFairytale 2005-2010
EvE Online is Copyright © CCP Games 1997-2010